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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

People just suck..you can trust no one...all people want to do is make shit happen for others...I hate people more and more every day
Now what do you think about the world that i live in?


do you know that you may have people right next store that are into D/s?

To be honest, in my world, there are as many levels and varieties of
dominance and submission as there are people who practice it in their
lives. You might be living right next door to a committed, (even
married!) D/s couple (or polyfidelity family) right now! Ok, I will wait
while you run to the window and check! Back already? You didn't find
'them', did you? Maybe you just couldn't identify the kinky people –
because we look just like you.

We have jobs, or we are retired. We have kids in school, or we are
childfree. We go off to work everyday, or we are stay at home parents.
Heck, we even drive SUVs and go to PTA meetings! We are who we are –
just as you are who you are!

my world

my life is off the beaten path of what people think people should do or be. I am okay with that for it is my life and I am the one that most live in it.